How to Avoid The Overwhelm of Renovation

Does the thought of embarking on a renovation journey have your stomach in knots? Does the whole process seem terrifying and overwhelming?

Maybe you're unsure where to begin or what questions to ask?

Fear not; a renovation doesn't have to feel like this, and with the right team behind you, it can be a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

From our experience, here are our top tips for navigating your way through a renovation.

All good renovations start with a team you can trust

Imagine if you knew the cost of your build as it was being designed. Game changer. That’s the beauty of having a designer & builder on the same team. 

Hiring a holistic renovation team can take your renovation dreams and see them through from the first sketch to the final result: one team, end to end. Engaging one single team means you don't have to worry about outside contractors, organising schedules or re-explaining your vision. It's all handled by the one team responsible for bringing all of the moving parts together and creating harmony between them.

Not only does this approach save you from feeling overwhelmed, but it also allows the build phase of the renovation to be considered in the design phase to ensure that your vision is capable of coming to life.

Make a design plan and stick to it

We believe that homes are built for life, not around it. Your home is meant to enhance your life, not cause you stress from attempting to function in spaces that don't work for your lifestyle. It's easy to get caught up in the latest trends or what we 'think' we should have instead of focusing on what we need for our specific home, family and lifestyle.

To reduce the overwhelming nature of design decisions, it's important to uncover two key components: what style you ultimately desire and how this works for your lifestyle. 

Discovering what design style you truly enjoy can be a lengthy but ultimately worthwhile process. We recommend deep-diving into Pinterest, Instagram, design books, magazines or wherever you find design inspiration and gathering all of the home and interior design elements that catch your eye.

The next step is to identify the common themes - paint colours, timber tones, door and window profiles? 

Finding one guiding theme will help you uncover what you truly want your space to encapsulate.

Planning is the key to success

Planning is an essential part of the renovation process.

Having all design decisions made prior to "Day One" of building works commencing is key and will save a lot of stress and last-minute scrambling down the track. Ensure all fixtures, finishes, and fittings have been chosen ahead of time, ordered and will be on-site ready for your builder to install. This keeps the building program moving and on track. You do not want to be making pressured decisions about floorboards or bathroom tiles last minute simply because the ones you coveted are out of stock and won't arrive in time.

A little planning like this can go a long way to helping you feel less overwhelmed and the difference between a smooth building and a stressful one.

Success follows communication

Many people have never undergone a building project before and don't quite know what to expect or how they'll feel seeing their home transform.

The right team should be there to support you, answer any questions and clarify any details as required. At no point in your renovation journey should you feel alone or left questioning the next steps. Being up to date and informed on the project's status is a simple yet effective way to minimise feelings of being overwhelmed. 


At Yarrow Build, we work closely with you to ensure you are comfortable and kept up to date every step of the way. Our team always has an open line of communication directly with you for you to reach out to check in on progress, ask questions or receive advice.

We're a half design and half build team, meaning we can provide you with start to finish support, skills and expertise: one team, end to end. Imagine if you knew the cost of your build as it was being designed? That's the beauty of having designers & builders on the same team. At Yarrow Build, we've flipped the traditional model and reverse-engineered the whole building process by quoting the build as we design it.

We're here to help you enjoy seeing your vision come to life and focus on creating homes that make our clients feel good and support their needs, from the beginning of the design process to long past the final build. 

Have questions or want more info? Book a call and say hello; we'd love to hear from you!


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